
Testing Office 2010 Knowledge

By ILTA Tips posted 04-14-2014 00:00




Great fun way to remind people of different things to learn with Office 2010. Each group of these can be sent out once a month, with prizes for the best complete answers (1st 2nd and 3rd) sent in first. 
And for your benefit, we've added the answers of course.

Round 1
Try your hand at these!

1. Which command on the Home Ribbon allows a user to change the case of selected text to all uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, toggle case, or initial capitals? 

Change case
2. What are the decorative lines used to surround a page or the elements on a page called? 
3. To specify the exact style of the decorative lines used on a page, which dialog box is used? 
Borders and shading
4. Which command on the Home Ribbon applies color to the background behind selected text or paragraphs? 
5. To apply color to text or paragraphs to make them appear to be highlighted with a marker or pen, which command on the Home Ribbon is used? 
Text highlight color

Round 2
Try your hand at these!

1. Which command on the Home Ribbon applies a shadow, glow, or reflection to selected text or paragraphs? 
Text effects
2. Which technique is used to choose and move text in a Word 2010 document to a new location? 
Drag and drop
3. The command that allows a user to selectively paste cell contents, cell formats, and the calculated values of original cells rather than their contents is called what? 
Paste special
4. Which command on the Home Ribbon causes a line to be drawn in the middle of selected text? 
5. How are different underline styles selected when applying the underline font format to selected text? 
Choose the Underline drop-down arrow on the Home Ribbon to select various underline styles

Round 3
Try your hand at these!

1. Which command allows a user to copy formatting rather than contents from one place to another in a document? 
Format painter
2. After pasting an item into a document, what is the button that automatically appears in the document window? 
Paste options button
3. Which commonly used shortcut keys or keyboard combination is used to apply bold formatting to selected text? 
4. Which commonly used shortcut keys or keyboard combination is used to apply underline formatting to selected text? 
5. What area in Word 2010 enables users to view document properties and update the properties information at any time while creating a document? 
Document Information Panel

Round 4
Try your hand at these!

1. What area is used to provide information about the author, title, subject, keywords, category, and comments that describe the document? 
Document properties panel
2. In Word 2010, what is the default style called? 
Normal style
3. Which option on the Apply Styles dialog box changes the settings for a selected style? 
4. To quickly modify the settings for any style using the Style dialog box, which of the following would you use? 
Style dialog box launcher on the Home Ribbon
5. How is a new style applied to text in a document? 
Select text and click the desired style from the Styles Gallery on the Home Ribbon

Round 5
Try your hand at these!

1. What is the amount of vertical space between the lines of text in a paragraph called? 
Line spacing
2. In a Word 2010 document, what is the amount of space that appears between paragraphs called? 
Paragraph spacing
3. In a Word 2010 document, what are the printable text and graphics at the top of each page called? 
4. Which ribbon contains the command to create headers in a document? 
5. Which group contains the command to place text at the bottom edge of each printed page of a document? 
Header & footer

