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Write Beside Me: Selfish Pronouns

By Randi Mayes posted 04-05-2012 14:45


Be cautious and frugal in your use of reflexive pronouns, those little jewels “myself,” “yourself,” “herself,” etc.  They can only be used correctly when they reflect a preceding noun or pronoun. They should NEVER be used when you’re afraid to use the word “me.”

Let’s look at some examples of proper usage.


I myself am not a huge fan of reflexive pronouns.

Karen rewarded herself with a visit to the spa.

We returned the stolen merchandise to the owner himself.

Note: In all the examples, the “self” pronoun is preceded by a noun or pronoun. Reflexive pronouns are used to provide emphasis and should therefore be used purposefully and after consideration of other ways to express the same thought.

Another Note: When the reflexive pronoun immediately follows the noun or pronoun it reflects, it is called an “intensive pronoun,” in that it intensifies the preceding word; you can see that usage in examples one and three above.


David provided the information to Susan and myself.

            Correction: David provided the information to Susan and me.

Rick and myself will attend the meeting.

            Correction: Rick and I will attend the meeting.

Of particular concern to this editor is the very common use of “myself” when the writer/speaker should be using “me.” Many educated folks have developed some hypersensitivity to the word “me.” “Me” and the other objective pronouns “him,” “her” and “them” are always correct when they are the objects of a verb or preposition.

INCORRECT (and all too common) USAGE:

Between you and I, this concept is difficult to grasp.

            Correction: Between you and me, this concept is difficult to grasp.

The teacher called on Bob and I to present our findings.

            Correction: The teacher called on Bob and me to present our findings.

The situation was particularly perplexing to Sherry and myself.

            Correction: The situation was particularly perplexing to Sherry and me.

I myself wish you and me smooth sailing as we navigate the choppy pronoun waters ;-)

1 comment



06-17-2014 12:20

I myself thank you for this!